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Monday, 27 December 2010

Good Intentions Are Meaningless

The New Year is fast approaching full of good intentions and resolutions.

I just come across this article by Royale Scuderi thought I would take the time to share it will you...

Thankyou Royale :

Good Intentions are meaningless without action to back them up. That's not to say that good intentions themselves aren't valuable. Certainly in an ethical and altruistic manner, intentions may be of utmost value. But when you're "in the trenches," so to speak, trying to accomplish something at work or at home, intentions mean zip.

I started to mentally retrace my days to see how this concept might apply to me and most likely others as well. I always have many commendable intentions and most of the time, pretty good follow-through, but not always.

I too intended to get up early (5:30AM) to read, journal and exercise - not happening, rolled over until 7. Ooops! I dressed in my sweats anyway, intending to exercise on my lunch hour - uh nope - got a phone call and a meeting was moved up to 12:30, so the reality was a rushed shower and off I went. My intention was to finish up my "day job" by 1PM and work on writing some blog posts and do a bit of marketing before the kids get home from school. No such luck - my meeting ran long, then I had to take a detour to the school to drop off the marimba we borrowed over spring break and I did not get home until school was out. Then it was homework, dinner and grocery shopping. I absolutely intended to catch up on my work and take a walk to at least get some exercise when the errands were all done, but then my older daughter called from college and my younger daughter wanted to talk about "boy problems." So, all in all, I don't think I actually did anything I intended to do. Well, except for intending to stay away from sugar and eat healthy snacks... uh, not so much, but that butter cake was delicious!

I'm sure, if you're like me, you have ambitious intentions, but do you have a plan and take the necessary action to carry them out?

Royale Scuderi is a personal productivity expert and author. She blogs about productivity tips, tools and strategies at Her mission is to Help you to work smarter and live better! You too can have business success and life satisfaction through increased efficiency, organization, motivation and awareness. Visit to sign up to receive free productivity tips via email. Copyright 2010 Royale Scuderi All Rights Reserved

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Monday, 22 November 2010

Is Fear Controlling Your Mind?

I just discovered this article by : Natasha Yearwood thought I would take the time to share it with you.

Thankyou Natasha.

Fear is a common and powerful negative energy that will eat away at your esteem and self-worth. When you allow fear to consume your mind, it takes over, making decisions for you. You are no longer in control of yourself, but rather, fear controls you. How can you know if fear is controlling your mind?

You second-guess every decision you make. One sign that fear has taken control is that you will never be comfortable with any decision you make. You always wonder if you did the right thing. You question whether or not things might have been better or gone differently if you'd made a different decision. You can never settle on a decision and feel good about it.

You can't make a decision because you are too worried about make a wrong move. Maybe fear has such control over you that you can't even make decisions anymore. You weigh out the pros and cons in your mind, but feel like the answer is a huge question mark. You are so scared you'll do the wrong thing that you allow someone else to make all the decisions for you.

You retreat from public situations because you think you'll be rejected. Fear creates a worry of rejection. Because you are indecisive and fearful of making decisions, you worry now that others will begin to pick up on this and not want to be around you because of it.

Fear is a big problem that can totally consume and overpower you. If you feel like fear is becoming a part of your way of thinking, take steps to get control of it now, before it controls you later.

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Saturday, 23 October 2010

How Life Coaching Can Help You

Here is a nice article I have just discovered by : Kristen L Baker thought I would take the time to share it with you.

Thankyou Kirsten.

Life coaching is a practice that is aimed at making lives worth living for people who have low self confidence and have been bullied by other people because of problems like anxiety, stress, depression etc. It helps people who need someone to deal with their problems. These people set goals but do not have the ability to achieve them. In fact the have the ability to achieve those goals but due to their low self confidence they are unable to achieve their targets. These people are unaware of the skills and creativity they possess, Life coaching helps them in realizing their full potentials.

There are life coaches who help people suffering from anxiety. The client has to first contact the coach. Their first meeting is set up. In their first meeting the client explains his or her problem. The client should make sure that he tells everything to the coach and should not avoid details thinking they are of no importance. After listening to the client carefully the coach should make up his mind on how to go about the treatment. Usually the coaches start off with positive talk. They try and fill in positive energy in the client, something that the client needs the most.

The coach's way of talking and assurance makes the client feel as if there is someone who is listening to him. They teach the client how to live life instead of fearing it. After the sessions, the client is happy and relieved. You will be able to notice a big change in him or her. The way of living life and the attitude gets changed. Now they live life and spend it as they want. Keep in mind that these coaches are neither therapists nor doctors. They are counselors and are people who love to help others and make their life worth living.

Life coaching is also helpful when you are stressed. Many situations come up in life when you are stressed and feel that there is no solution to the problem you are going through. This is where the role of life coach comes into play. The life coach makes you realize that every problem has a solution. The only thing that you need to know is that you can do it and can solve any kind of problem. Many life coaches use music as a medicine for the clients. It takes the stress out of you and relaxes your mind. When you have peace in your mind, your mind works faster and is able to solve many problems.

If you are in need of a life coach, contact Kristen L. Baker. She is neither a doctor nor a therapist. She is a woman who had anxiety when she was young. She fought anxiety and now is ready to help whoever she can. You can contact her regardless of where you live. She will help you with in the best possible manner and will help you fight your disorder too. She is a person who has immense qualities as a life coach and a great person. She can understand you well and will solve all your problems once you meet her and tell her what your problems are. She loves to help people and make their lives beautiful!

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Thursday, 30 September 2010

What Can a Life Coach Do For You?

Because you are reading this, means that you want to improve your life. You probably know, deep down inside, that you could be more than you are right now. If that weren't true, you would have already stopped reading, but you haven't, so that is the proof that you are looking for, isn't it?

Let's get right down to the point. You have dreams that are always just out of your reach. You almost get there, when something out of the blue, swipes it from you. Other times, you see yourself repeating the same weird pattern over and over again. You may see the same things happen in your relationships, only with a new face, over and over again.

Why do we do this to ourselves? If you knew how to stop the circle, you would wouldn't you?

Of course, but almost everyone needs to be handed a rope to get out of the quick sand. Very few, if any, ever get out on their own.

So what can a life coach do for you?

The real question is what can't a life coach do for you.

A life coach is a person trained to help you to untangle you thoughts patterns, get rid of limiting beliefs that hold you back and adopt new habits that will get you what you want.

Getting what you want is impossible with your current set of beliefs, habits and thoughts. If you change nothing, you will continue to get exactly what you've got. Is that what you want, more of the same?

No, and so that is exactly why you need a life coach. In order to do something different and therefore get new results, you need help seeing what to clean.

How can you be sure what new beliefs you need to make your dreams a reality? How can you know what is holding you back? Which of you thoughts are like the Englishmen in 1490 that believed that the world was flat?

What if you think that the world is flat, so to speak, and you don't even know it? Ah...discovering the truth about you and the world around you is the key to achieving what you know you can.

Think, right now, think about what you really want for yourself.

A life coach can help you get just that. Won't you feel lucky when you get a life coach that will help you get your dreams out of your head and into reality?

Maybe you are like others and want to improve your life. Many, perhaps you too, are longing to change the bad for the good in their life. If you want more out of your life, then take action to get what you deserve. Nobody is going to give you the life of your dreams, YOU need to make your dreams come true.

Often, we don't know how to make our dreams come true. A guide is the best way to lead you to your dreams.

If you want to know if life coaching can help you make your dreams a reality, then you can find out more information at If you are serious about achieving your true potential, remember that life coaching is the map that can get you where you want to be. We look forward to being a part of your journey!

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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Life Coaching For Personal Success

Just come across this article by Penelope Diaz thought I would take the time to share with you.

Thankyou Penelope...

Getting to the next level is important for almost everyone. Since you are reading this article, you are probably one of the many searching for better results in your life.

Attaining personal success is a worthwhile endeavor. Succeeding in the game of live earns you the greatest trophy ever imagined, inner and outer success. However, as is the case for almost all athletes, you need a mentor and a coach to help you break you current boundaries.

In order to access the greatness within, you need help. With the right assets and leverage in place you literally can move mountains, if that is your aim.

If just having a better financial or love life is your aim, you can get it even easier than moving a mountain.

So, just what does a life coach do to help you get personal success, be it at work, in your personal relationships or even overcoming personal weaknesses?

Of utmost importance in you quest for success is discovering why you want what you want. Have you ever known a person that was miserable no matter how many accomplishments they had behind them? Things can't make us happy, so we need to know what the things will do for us really.

This exploration process is very cool, I know that you'll discover things about yourself that will blow your mind! We think we know ourselves so well, and one session with a life coach can show you how much you can learn about yourself.

After you find out what really motivates you and your true desires, then you need to flush out your blocks.

Again, we think that we know ourselves, but when you find out the truth about what is holding you back, again it will blow your mind!

You are sure to be hooked on life coaching after a few brief sessions of self discovery with your life coach. And that's a good thing because then your life coach will teach you what to do with your new found insight on yourself.

The key to success is what you do with what you know, so armed with your discovery of what motivates you and what blocks you from success, the real fun begins.

Your life coach will be well trained and armed with many tools to root out totally what is blocking you. There is no 'fight through the pain' philosophy with life coaching. The aim is to make your stumbling blocks vanish through effective life coaching

Having a better life is important to everyone. Everyone has a few things that they would like to either get rid of completely, or at the very least minimize. Many also realize intuitively that they are not realizing their full potential.

Very few people know how to get what they want on their own. If they did know how, chance are that they would already be living their dream.

Are you?

If you want to know if life coaching can help you make your dreams a reality, then you will want to go to our website at if now is the right time to hire a life coaching.

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Saturday, 11 September 2010

The Difference Between a Coach and a Friend

I Would like to "Share" with you an article written by : Don H. Morris

Thankyou Don...

Sometimes potential clients say to a coach, "It seems like if I began coaching with you that I would be hiring you to be my friend. How is a coach different from a friend?"

Although both are characterized by a close and caring bond, there are at least four crucial differences between an ideal coach-client relationship and a friendship.

1. Friends Are Essential, Coaches Are Optional

First of all, friends are essential elements of a satisfied life.

Coaches are strictly optional. Professional coaches are consultants you hire to help you accomplish particular tasks (e.g., to establish goals, to develop action plans, to learn skills, to launch a new venture). You might even choose to hire a coach to assist you with developing more, or richer and more intimate, friendships.

2. Friends Are Long-Term, Coaches Are Short-Term

Friends remain in our lives for long periods, perhaps until one or the other person dies. Coaching is a time-limited, contracted activity. When the client's goals are met, the relationship ends.

3. Friends Share Broadly, Coaches Have a Narrow Focus

Friends share a broad range of interests and activities with each other. The best of friends share on a deep emotional level. While coaches do form warm, supportive relationships with their clients, they are focused on the specific tasks and behaviors the client requests assistance with.

4. Friends Are Personally Involved, Coaches Are Neutral

Many people are fortunate enough to have friends who are both caring and supportive, and who are assertive enough to "tell it like they see it." But friends cannot be counted upon to be uninvolved listeners; they are involved! At other times friends may remain silent out of fear of hurting your feelings. A coach can be a sounding board, and is able to give impartial feedback on your progress toward your goals.

A good friend is a treasure! Cherish your friends. Nurture your relationships with your friends, and enjoy the give and take of these relationships. If, as is true for many people, your friendships are effective in providing the support and encouragement you need to achieve your dreams, count yourself blessed.

There are times when a coach could make a big impact in your life. Consider hiring a coach, though, if any of these are true for you:

1. You feel a need to get more out of your life, and the resources you have on hand are not enough to help you get what you want out of life.

Coaches can help when friends are not enough.

2. You have identified specific skills that will help you enhance your personal and professional life, and you need someone else's help in order to fully develop them.

Coaches can offer expertise friends may not possess.

3. You need the structure a coach can provide in order to work consistently and efficiently at achieving your dreams.

Coaches can help you develop effective action plans and keep you on track in following them.

4. You know from previous efforts to grow in your personal and professional life that you need a person to remind you and ask you about commitments.

Coaches can, when you request it, help you "keep your hand to the plow." Accountability is the chief reason many people hire a coach.

5. You would appreciate and benefit from an impartial person acting as a sounding board.

Coaches have trained their listening skills to a high degree. You can openly discuss new ideas and "think out loud" to a coach without fear of criticism or rejection.

Why not have both friends and a coach?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Hi! I'm Don H. Morris. I help my clients at Encouraging Plus Coaching create a compelling vision for what they want to achieve in the next five years by helping them craft a personal creed, a personal development plan, a passion statement, a dependable strengths profile, and more. Do you need help identifying your passions, abilities and values? Set up a complimentary coaching session to see how well we can work together to reach your dreams by filling out the convenient contact form on my home page:

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Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Blaming Others For Your Problems is Not Your Solution - Take Responsibility For Your Life

Just come across this article By : Liz Rispin about taking responsibilty thought I would take the time to share it with you...

Thankyou LIZ...

Blaming and complaining go hand in hand and appear to have become fashionable habits for a lot of people. They endlessly complain about practically everything - weather, traffic, stock market, politicians, boss, and so on. The chances are that you are also one of them. As Robert Half puts it succinctly - "The search for someone to blame is always successful." What a great way to avoid being responsible by blaming others for your problems, is it?

Complaining prepares the ground for final action - blaming. This provides an escape route from taking responsibility for one's actions. That is the end of the blame game; and the problems remain where they are, or get magnified as time passes while you are busy complaining and blaming. Just think about it: you happily blame others for your failures, why don't you give them credit for your successes too?

Taking ownership of the results of one's actions is a tough thing to do for most people, though it is the wise thing to do. Blaming others is an unhealthy thing as it blocks your personal growth. By blaming others you are giving up the power to change and making yourself subordinate to others.

There is another danger in the habit of blaming others; it soon becomes a breeding ground for other negative tendencies such as holding a grudge, resenting, anger, self pity, etc. All this is cancerous and will slowly eat up your general well being over a period of time.

However, like any other bad habit the habit of complaining and blaming can also be tackled with some efforts. You have to understand that you can't control everything that happens to you or to your life - in fact, no one can. Nevertheless, you can learn to control your reactions to events outside your control. The foremost thing to do is to try to control the urge to complain and, with some practice, you will be able to stop complaining.

Accepting responsibility is the next step - admit whenever you make a mistake; recognize your shortcomings and do something about them; open up yourself to ideas and opinions of others; learn to forgive; and adopt an optimistic outlook towards life. So take responsibility for your life and stop blaming others for your problems.

Check It Out:

Take just 2 minutes to check out Personal Development Plus to see how you can improve your life today. You owe it to yourself to take control of your own Personal Development- You'll feel better for it.

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Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The Awakening Process and How to Change Your Mindset

Just come across a good article By: Christine Hoeflich Thought I would take the time to share it with you...

Thankyou Christine...

A few days after I published an article about the subconscious mind and the misconceptions being spread by so-called self-help gurus, I read a message channeled by Mike Quinsey about the awakening process that humanity is currently undergoing. The following is an excerpt:

"...As the energy levels increase, more of you are awakening and seeking your own path to understanding. The truth is there to be found, but not until you are prepared to move beyond the mindset you already have. You cannot accommodate new ideas if your belief system is rigidly held in place. Unfortunately, generations upon generations of families or institutions have passed on their own misguided knowledge in all good faith, but their understanding has been tainted by false teachings. Humans have a way of believing that a majority opinion makes it correct, whereas in spiritual matters it is often quite the opposite. Your best guide in matters affecting your life choices is yourself, and through your intuitive feelings. Trust in yourself, as you have a wealth of experience to call upon that has been acquired over many lifetimes." SaLuSa--channelled by Mike Quinsey, March 29, 2010

What this says to me: As we raise our consciousness (as the collective consciousness increases) we are realizing the need to come up with our own understanding of life. The truth can be found, but only by letting go of many cherished beliefs. (You cannot learn anything new if you already know everything.) Unfortunately, many of the beliefs that have been passed on through history are false, and just because the majority of a population believes something doesn't make it true. Indeed, more often than not religious as well as spiritual beliefs are false (all religions and teachings are filled with distortions). You can access the truth through your intuitive knowing. Connect with your higher self because that inner part of you has been around forever and is connected to the divine.

Here are a couple examples of current beliefs that are most likely fiction, found in my email inbox the day I began this article: 1. Women who take bisphosphonate drugs (those advertised to protect against osteoporosis) are actually increasing their risk of fracture, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (but you'll have to wait before the FDA acknowledges that). 2. Agave "nectar" (the "raw" kind included) is touted to be a healthy, natural alternative to cane sugar, but closer inspection reveals it may be worse than high fructose corn syrup. (I tried it once at Trader Joe's, never touched it again.)

The two examples above are easy to adjust; it's much harder to change your mindset when it comes to older beliefs (which also have been "sold" to you). I can imagine that for most people, it can be disturbing to even contemplate the possibility that the things they held true for so long may not be true at all! How do you deal with something like that?

But--wasn't it Jesus who said that we should aspire to be as young children? And what describes young children better than being open to learning new things?

So where do you begin? How do you start? Well, I do not suggest letting go of your beliefs all at once. I can promise you it will leave you feeling disoriented. Instead, cultivate the attitude that you believed what you believed for valid, even noble reasons and be open to new information that is coming forth in this time of planetary change. (You will discover the reasons as you awaken.)

You do not need to jump into totally new beliefs. In fact you may keep your old beliefs until you become sick and tired of them or are no longer able to reconcile them with reality. At the same time, be open when a new idea that sparks your interest comes into your awareness. Don't fear new ideas; know that the truth (that has--up until now--been hidden) shall set you free. Keep an open mind and view the new spark of information as a possibility. (You are "loosening" the hold that your beliefs have had over you when you do this.) Then check this potential truth against your own inner knowing. The more trust you have in your connection with your higher self (and not some dogma that was passed on to you), the better you can discern the truth.

If it is true, then it should help explain, in a simpler and more elegant way, things that were poorly understood before. If it is true it will be part of an emerging "bigger picture" that makes more sense than the worldview that has been handed down to you. This is how to change your mindset, and connecting with your higher self is what activates this awakening process.

Are you ready to reconnect with your your higher self ? Subscribe at and receive a free 7-page report on how to reconnect to and integrate with your higher self. Christine Hoeflich is the author of Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity--an ebook that shifts your consciousness and gives you all the keys to finally fulfill your dreams.

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Sunday, 5 September 2010

You CAN Change Anything

Just come across a nice article by: Moira Hutchison I just wanted to share with you.

Thankyou Moira...

I am sure that you have come into contact with someone who has reached a certain stage, who are stuck in a mind-set that they will remain single for the rest of their lives. Often, you will hear them say things like "It is too late; I am not going to meet anyone now." The same goes for people who feel that promotion or opportunity has passed them by and now it is just too late.

This is just another form of being held ransom by your psychological fear. It is never too late. I love the quote by George Eliot: "It is never too late to be what you might have been." A client of mine told me once that she really loved to play and be silly - being 65 years was just like being 5 years old to her... she said the only difference was that she had more money!! She certainly did not buy into any ideas of it being too late to do whatever made her feel joyful and happy.

When you make excuses or put your focus upon your perceived blocks, you block positive people and situations from manifesting themselves in your life. These people and situations could bring you unlimited amounts of passion and joy to your soul. The soul is ageless. It is eternal. That is why a lot of people say:

"I really do not feel that old."

In reality, it is your physical body that will age - not your soul. By tapping in to your soul and the power of your spirit that flows through it, you can feel youthful as it brings you energy and vitality to your physical body when you need it most. It comes down to how you approach life as well as how you are taking care of yourself. If you really believe that you are too old - then you know what happens, you just get older.... You really do create what you put your attention on.

I have known many people who do not give in to the whole notion of what you can or cannot do at any age in your life. It is our societal conditioning that dictates how we should act at a certain age.

Here are a few tips on breaking free any beliefs that 'it is too late' or 'I have missed my chance'

Take on an attitude of "It is never too late."

Try something new every day... Find new things that give you joy.

Explore - even if it is just around the block or a wee jaunt down the road.

Believe in yourself.

Do not listen to others if they say things like "You are too old."

If you are passionate about something, you can achieve it!

Associate with people who do rather than say.

Sign up for that evening class you have always wanted to join.

Do not let your excuses hinder your potential to achieve.

Do not live a life of regrets, and become one of those who say: "If only I had..."

Please visit my website - be sure and sign up for my monthly newsletter - you will receive a complimentary meditation audio.

Are you a small business owner? Please visit

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Thursday, 2 September 2010

You Create Your Own Life Experience

By: Derek Felton

"Wherever you are in life, you made an appointment to be there." - Unknown

We tend to blame other people and outside circumstances for our unwanted experiences.

But, when things are going great, we like to stick our chests out and tell to anyone within earshot how we did it. By ourselves. Alone.

I'm the first one to tell you to celebrate your victories and feel good about your accomplishments.

But I also say that we need to take responsibility for the bad things that happen.

When I was two years removed from college and I was making $10.50 per hour I had to blame myself for the decisions I made.

It was on me that I didn't intern in college with a company that potentially could have hired me at a larger salary. It was on me that I was scattered and inconsistent.

For over 5 years I hated going to work everyday. But, that was my fault. I put myself in a position where I had to take what I could get.

I hadn't yet discovered or developed the skills that would allow me to pursue my "life assignment".

If you're in a position where you're truly happy and life is good, I'm proud of you. Keep it up. Be an inspiration to others.

But, if you're not where you want to be - or at least on the path - you need to get movin'!

You have to ask - no, write down - what ACTIONS you must take.

Do you have to go back to school? Do you need a mentor or mastermind group? Do you have to start attending some conferences and networking events?

Do you have to start praying and meditating? Do you need to watch less mindless television and read more self-help books?

If you don't like your circumstances, change them. If you can't change them, change your attitude. But don't complain or blame others for where you are.

If you don't change you'll continue to create an experience that won't produce success.

You, and you alone, are the designer of your life.

Does it look how you want it to?

Your friend,


For the past few years Derek Felton has engaged audiences all over with his philosophies on Purpose, Passion, and Attitude. Affectionately known as “Mr. Positive”, Derek has an uncanny ability to relate to a wide range of people - from skeptical teenagers to worldly adults. He is available for workshops, seminars, and keynote addresses.

He can be reached at [] and at

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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Inspirational Song By: Elliott Yamin "Free"

Questions About Life Coaching

By: Sharon C Frith

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching is the coaching of a person to identify his weaknesses and rectify them, to make him identify his hidden talents and capabilities and bring them to the open and get them to function in all areas while toning him up mentally and physically to enhance his personality, self confidence, determination and to make him work up to and beyond his full potential to make a habit of setting and achieving new objectives and goals. For this purpose, a coach may extend his services to an individual or a body or a group of persons under specific contracts.

Who needs Life Coaching?

No line can be drawn separating who may need and who may not need a life coach, for life coaches seem to be able to make some improvement in hitherto unimagined ways and areas for almost all who seek their services. This is because unknown to us there are forces within us that prevent us from working to our full capacities and potential. A life coach is trained to identify your weak areas and rectify them and help in numerous ways to transform you to almost a different personality according to your wishes and requirements. If you feel that there are certain aspects in your life that you can never change, such as for example giving up smoking, improving your powers of concentration to sit for a degree course, or even to get over the sleepiness that creeps into you when driving at night, lack of adequate determination and courage to turn your failures into pillars of success, then you certainly need a life coach, and you are sure to benefit from one's services.

What benefits could you gain from Life Coaching?

Life Coaching could improve your skills of communication, motivation and interpersonal relationships. It could enhance your self-confidence and the ability to view things objectively and in different perspectives and gain new insights into various areas hitherto not approached. It can enhance you powers of reasoning and taking quick decisions without fear. The combined effect of all this would ultimately lead to higher productivity, success, contentment and an increased sense of satisfaction in what you do; and in life in general.

What reasons underlie the popularity of Life Coaching?

Several factors have contributed to the recent growing popularity of life coaching, some of which are -

(a) New challenges faced by a growing number of self-employed people in their personal and professional lives as a result of the dramatic increase in small and medium sized business over the last few years.

(b) The increasing number of job opportunities created in the corporate sector, and high competition for some of the more lucrative positions, where everybody tries to have even a slight competitive edge over the other possible contenders.

(c) Most of them believe that life coaching can accomplish for them many successes hitherto unimagined possible.

What reasons prompt people to hire Life Coaches?

Enhancing their prestige value and self-confidence, improving skills of interpersonal relationships and communications, troubleshooting business problems, ability to motivate, set goals and realize objectives, to change over to a different style and environment, to review old attitudes and remodel new attitudes are some of the reasons behind many people hiring life coaches.

Although you feel the need to hire a life coach to bring a lot of improvements over your life, still you may not be certain as to the type of coaching that you really need to actually benefit from hiring one. You may be able to find the answer from some of the coaches themselves at the interviews by calling a few coaches selected from your area through the internet for interviews. An interview is an opportunity to discuss matters with the applicants, and after explaining your problems and requirements in details to each applicant in turn, you may invite each one of them to come out with their own suggested program of coaching they deem best suited for you to help you realize your objectives. At the interview you would also get more familiar with what the current fees structure is like for different areas and modes of coaching, since the fees too may vary highly according to the areas of expertise of different coaches. You will find that the going rate for business coaches is much higher than for their counterparts handling general life.


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Creating a Purposeful Mindset

By: PaTrisha-Anne_Todd

What exactly is a mindset, let alone a purposeful one?

Over the years I've discovered that one's way of thinking is not sufficient to make and sustain productive changes. Thinking alone doesn't make change and that mindset is a frame of mind, a characteristic of a person completely dependent in terms of results on whether or not the person applies themselves to diligently carrying out daily actions to achieve the desired results.

It's paramount to have a purpose in mind, for without a purpose there'd be nothing to celebrate and be joyful about. A purpose lends itself to creating more of whatever you want by default.

A purposeful mindset is achieved by dedicated focus and consistent effort. This process works for both wanted and un-wanted results. That is why it's important to have an optimistic and resolute mindset.

Let's say that it is your desire to become wealthy with great success in your business. To achieve this you'll need to THINK like a successful wealthy business owner and take the action to have your own success.

Be Do Have

Once you have conditioned your mind to focus on your specific goal that's when you'll begin to experience the flow of abundance and prosperity in your life!

Know what your Mindset is thinking about

It's so easy to master your mind and let abundance be part of your everyday lifestyle and a whole lot more fun.

Decide to be purposeful not reckless, or time tardy with no definite of purpose in your daily routine. If you follow a path of uncontrolled behaviour then your subconscious will do what it does best and give you what it believes you have asked for - totally the opposite of what you truly desire. Without realising it you could be pushing away your wealth and business success through unconscious self sabotage, so make an effort and pull your thoughts around to purposeful thinking followed up with definite action. You'll be amazed at how your life will change and as if by magic you'll achieve your goals one by one.

Get Ready For Personal Success

Don't forget to make room in your life for your personal success. You're not alone in this one as the Universe cannot abide an empty space when it could be filled with wonderful and prosperous abundance. So get rid of the clutter in your life, do it with total authority, vigour and vim, in other words decide to become purposeful and direct your energies to sorting space for more productive and prosperous new essentials in your life.

Maintaining A Purposeful Mindset

The trick is to constantly see your desired goals. Visualise what it is you desire, don't be shy only you can see your dreams and only you are the master of your destiny.

Visualisation will accelerate the experience your thinking about. Within your minds eye you'll live out your dreams and be able to fine tune your daily actions towards goal achievement. Whatever your realistic lifestyle currently is you'll be in the best possible position to transform your lifestyle by knowing what needs to be changed and you'll have first hand knowledge on what actions to take to make your dreams a reality.

PaTrisha-Anne Todd, LCSi

Author. Cosmic Soul Coach Mentor, Consultant to entrepreneurs and show business celebrities.

LCSi-Coaching Leads To Success.

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Monday, 30 August 2010

Living a Purposeful Life

By: Terri Klapperich
Have you ever felt as though you were just going along on this journey we call life on autopilot? Day by day, week by week, year by year...

Someone once suggested to me that every few years you should take some time off to re-evaluate your life. Take a look to see if it is what you want it to be. That is a wonderful idea and I also suggest that you do this. If you are lucky enough to be able to take an extended vacation, that is best. If not, spend some quiet time reflecting when you have a few free moments. Just remember to do it.

What should you evaluate?

Relationships. I believe that you can't have a relationship on autopilot. A relationship needs to be nurtured and cared for. If not, you will soon find you are living separate lives in the same home.

Career. Are you in a job or career that you love. Think about it, you spend more time at your job than you do with your family. It should be something that you enjoy doing.

Your Passion. What are you passionate about? Is there something that you long to do and just don't take the time for? What truly makes your heart sing?

Health. If your physical health isn't what you want it to be, what is stopping you from changing it? Do you need to exercise and eat better? Is there a doctor that you have been avoiding? How about your emotional health? Let go of the pain you no longer wish to carry.

When you take the time to live your life on purpose, you find that your life is much happier. There is no reason to struggle and be unhappy. It is simply a choice, make sure to make the right one.

Take the "Live From Your Heart Challenge" at []. Get out of your head and start living from your heart.

Terri Klapperich is a Life Coach and Emotional Healer changing lives around the world. She teaches men and women to follow their intuition, live from their hearts, and together make the world a more loving place.

Terri's motto is "Let go, so that more goodness can flow".

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Saturday, 28 August 2010

What is a Life Coach?

What is a Life Coach?

By: Koz Huseyin

Have you been wondering what is a life coach? Do you want to know how life coaching can benefit you? There are many ways life coaching can benefit you. As you read this article, you will discover more about life coaching and its benefits to you, why you can't wait, and need to act now, and much more!

In this article about life coaches, discover more about these important topics:

* What Is A Life Coach?

* How Life Coaching Can Benefit You

* How To Find A Life Coach

* Why You Can't Wait

* What Is A Life Coach?

A good analogy for knowing what is a life coach, is to think of athletes. After all, all high achievers can be thought of as athletes to some degree. You have goals; you want to be somewhere, which is same as athletes - professional and committed to what they do.

A life coach can be thought of as an athletes coach. All top athletes have coaches, and we can see why. The coach can see our performance, they can teach us, and they can guide us from a new perspective to greater achievement.

And this is exactly what a life coach is. But a life coach will not work with you to become a top athlete, though they may be able to.

Success is said to be 80% psychology and 20% physical. So, coaching can be an important step. Life coaches however can be specialized in certain fields, such as helping you to create wealth, for business or for many areas of your life. In my case, I am the goal guy. I show you how to get from A to B.

* How Life Coaching Can Benefit You

There are many ways life coaching can benefit you. The life coach can focus on helping you create better strategies and tactics. Strategies are the most important, and life coaching can help you in many areas.

For example with wealth building, perhaps the first step is to get you out of debt and into wealth. Or with relationships it perhaps is to create a more fulfilling relationship. In business it could be to improve on marketing (if they specialize in that).

* How To Find A Life Coach

Finding a life coach is not that difficult. First things first, it is a good idea to ask for referrals. If you have friends who are high achievers, then asking them could bring good results.

You can always find life coaches online. There are many who offer online life coaching, and it works out cheaper than face to face meetings.

* Why You Can't Wait

If you have a goal, something you really want to achieve. You can't wait. Today is the day to act, and life coaching can really transform your life. Many success stories owe the success to the help of a life coach.

Visit these great links to discover the best way on how to be your own life coach []. Get more answers on what is a life coach or check out the top 10 personal development areas, you need to set goals in, to succeed.

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Tuesday, 3 August 2010

HOME :: Self-Improvement / Coaching Life Coaching - Past, Present, and Future

If you have been searching the internet for something, you will usually end up with a life coach site popping up in your results at some point. Life Coaching has evolved over the years and continues to change and grow - but what is life coaching, how do you choose a life coach, and what should you be aware of?
Life Coaching Past: Life Coaching really emerged, noticeably, about 10 years ago. Most life coaching was advertised as Executive Coaching or Leadership Coaching and they were usually hired by corporations for staff or individual training. With the onset of in-house corporate training teams, the need for Executive Coaches diminished and many sought other areas to continue coaching in. Since then, there are now life coaches that coach in every area of life you can think of and then some. Many life coaches specialize in one or two main life areas but many still coach in multiple life areas. Originally, life coaches were people who had some kind of previous work experience before going into coaching. Most Executive Coaches came out of the corporate business world and as an Executive Coach or Leadership Coach, were able to make great incomes. Many of these past Executive Coaches also have become Client Attraction or Marketing Coaches in today's climate and their services are provided to corporations still but mostly to small or solo businesses or individuals.
Life Coaching Now: Now life coaching is common, easy to find and is for businesses and individuals and can be called just about anything. Today, there are many life coach training schools but there are huge disparities between the qualities of education students receive from school to school. In fact, there are no required educational standards that a life coach school must follow/provide and there is no regulation of the life coach industry. Anyone can call themselves a Life Coach and open a practice - buyer beware becomes a very serious phrase to remember. There are now a couple of professional organizations, such as the International Coaching Federation, which as a professional membership organization, is working diligently to establish coaching standards, life coach school standards and looking at types of regulations that could benefit the industry and consumers.
There are now between 10,000 and 20,000 life coaches that are providing services to customers. There are an increasing number of people pursuing becoming a life coach. Many people want to help others but many think they can earn a tremendous amount of money while being able to work at home in their pjs, part-time. If only it was that easy. Today's world of having a web based business and all it entails has become very complicated and it isn't as cheap in start-up costs either. Most life coaches are earning much less than $20,000 a year because they don't have enough clients. Many coaches fail because you have to be a person who can structure their own time while working from home. When you work in a business, it provides structure that you work within. At home, there is no structure except what a person creates and it is all too easy to not be structured. Marketing has become a huge part of daily life for life coaches, much more than ever before and many have taken marketing to an incredible level of hard selling. Those 'coaches' providing marketing or small business start-up coaching have created a huge income based industry but it has also gained tremendous competition over the last few years.
Niche Is In: Niche in life coaching is the current theme - this means that a life coach 'specializes' in one or a few areas only. There are many life coaches though who still would be considered general life coaches and offer a much broader range of coaching services. The market is pushing life coaches to have specific niche's quite hard and explain that the public prefers 'specialists' and are willing to pay more for them. It is rather like the medical profession, you have generalists, generalists with a smaller focus, specialists with a broad focus and specialists with very specific focus topics. So, everyone entering coaching is told to have a niche; it could be life coaching, client attraction, marketing, public relations, Christian, organization, health, financial and many, many more areas that 'coaching' is being offered in.
Buyer Beware: Throughout my research, I was totally amazed at how few life coaches will post their prices but also, and perhaps even more importantly, they do not post their educational or work experience! I don't know about you, but I'm not really interested in sharing my dreams and goals with someone unless they are qualified and that means having work, life and educational experience in their 'niche' or coaching areas. I've asked many other coaches, and some of them are very well known and successful, and been told that education and experience are not important! So, I guess from that, if someone worked at the local animal shelter and didn't graduate from high school, they are just as well qualified to provide life coaching services as everyone else. NOT in my book. We check out loads of information before we buy a car, before we choose a doctor, and even before we purchase a mattress. Why wouldn't it mean something about what education and work/life experiences a life coach has? So, buyer beware!
Marketing and using psychology to sell whether on the web or in 'real' life, is something every business uses. Unfortunately, the web is unregulated and you cannot check things out and be secure that the information you get is honest and truthful. There is no Consumer Reports or Better Business Bureau for the Internet. The science of selling is intense and is geared at: getting visitors to give e-mail address for a 'free' gift so they have you in the mailing data base; use words and colors to attract you and make you 'trust' them, offer free material to read and low priced items and then you'll receive e-mails about tele-seminars, videos, guest speakers, and high cost products/memberships/mentorships and mastermind groups. Many coaches are genuine but how do you tell the difference without making many painful, expensive and time consuming mistakes. Also read the fine print, many web businesses do not have guarantees or refunds available. Look for coaches who belong to national organizations, who post their credentials (experience and education), and did they graduate from a life coaching or coaching program or school? You can't trust testimonials often, due to a business may have provided services to hundreds but you will only see the few who wrote glowing testimonials, a site that has ratings on it is great but can be doctored, asking to speak to a former client is the best method of checking out a particular coach business, even many former clients is better. I hope there will be some type of review system devised someday, as in your community word gets around quickly about a company, but on the internet you don't have that check and balance system available. So, buyer beware!
Why people should try Life Coaching: Life Coaching is an awesome way for people to stay motivated, keep their focus, gain self-insights and strive to achieve their goals. Life Coaching deals with the here and now and goes forward from there, it is an action based co-active coaching style that is not like therapy which deals with past life events and more psychological issues. A life coach should have the educational/work/life experiences and tools necessary to meet the needs of their customers and if not, then say so and refer the customer to a life coach that does. I recently tried to get a referral network started at the life coach school I attended, so that I and others would know where to refer a customer if I felt their needs could be better met by another. Only two other coaches felt secure enough to put their strengths out there - no one else!
In today's busy, fast-paced world, it is often filled with stress, little personal support and difficult to achieve your goals or solve problems. Life Coaching is a great means to help a person with achieving their goals, solving problems, getting the support they need so that life is less difficult and overall, improved.
What to look for in a Coach: Tips for you, as a customer in choosing a life coach include: know ahead of time what you want to achieve with a life coach and be able to answer how a coach can best work with you and you with them. It is also helpful to have an idea on how long you are willing to be in coaching before you expect to achieve your results and how much you can afford; research different life coach websites and read their articles, newsletters and check out their education/work/life experience and training; interview 3 different coaches - include in the interview all your questions on experience, prices, examples of accomplishments related to your goal, how long do they think it would take to achieve your goal, explain how you prefer to work with a coach and ask what their style of coaching is; ask for two references that had goals similar to yours; and most importantly, make sure the life coach you choose is one that you 'connect' with or that 'feels right' to you. Other possible questions can be asking what the life coach feels are their strengths and weaknesses. Also be cautious if you get the impression that the life coach may end up 'telling you what to do' or pressuring you into goals or avenues that you do not want and they seem more the agenda of the coach than yours.
Life Coaching is supposed to be about the customer and what they want to achieve and their style of learning/growing/achieving through the process of reaching their goals. It is not about the life coach. In fact, every life coach's goal should be to put themselves out of business. If coaching were done well, then eventually, fewer people would need it. As the saying goes, 'teach them to fish rather than feeding them fish and they will never go hungry'. Costs for life coaching services can typically run $300-$600 a month and some will go to $300 or more an hour. Some coaches actually earn $18,000 hour. If the life coaches you check-out don't publish their costs, ask.
What is the future of Life Coaching? Where is Life Coaching going in the future? While the economy and the increasing stress of everyday life is severely hurting the quality of people's lives, life coaching will continue to grow in the number of people it serves as well as the number of life coaches entering the field. The number of people utilizing the web and becoming web based businesses will continue to increase the number of coaches who provide marketing, client attraction and who start business types of services.
One of the newer life coaching waves coming is 'Wellness Coaching' which is similar to health coaching. Of concern to me is that many, who are entering this 'niche', receive only 20 hrs of training. Many life coaches practicing health or wellness coaching have not checked their state's laws on what they can and cannot coach on in this 'niche'. A life coach cannot treat, diagnose, cure, prescribe or provide counseling. As a Holistic Practitioner, Certified Life Coach and Licensed Social Worker, I fear for people receiving life coaching services on health related subjects from life coaches with so little background in health and thus the potential for harm of the customer may occur. This is my concern and opinion which is shared by some and not by others. The pressure for more specific specialization, 'niching', will likely increase as well.
Will social media change the face of coaching? That's unknown at this time. There are many blogs and forums now that people can access for support for their specific needs, meet and get to know other people interested in the same things. The world has gotten smaller and it is much easier to find people to talk to on the web, yet we are more isolated in our 'real' lives than ever before.
I envision the complexities of marketing, which include free give aways, membership groups, increased administrative time (which means less time for coaching), hard selling and heavy marketing will continue to increase, as well. I envision there will be expanded Coaching Schools that provide coaching education that gives core basics for all types of coaching and then gives additional education in specific areas of specialty types of coaching. These will greatly lead to better qualified service providers. I found it amazing, how many coaches actually came out of the computer field from computer programming, IT support, web design and such. I do hope that something can be done to make sure the competency, skill, education, and experience of life coaches becomes more uniform and is not as much a 'shooting in a barrel' experience for customers to find truly skilled and dedicated coaches.
In conclusion, life coaching has gone from corporate America to mainstream. The benefits of life coaching are becoming better known and there are many gifted life coaches available - but you will have to do some weeding first. Life Coaching can improve the quality of your life and even your physical and mental health and thus, it is hoped, it may be covered by health insurance as pro-active services someday. In the mean time, life coaching is affordable and easy to find. If you are in search of life coaching for a very specific area of your life or goal, there is likely a life coach that covers it. But the bottom line is that it is up to the consumer to pick the 'right' life coach for them and if it doesn't work for you, then stop and switch to a life coach that will 'fit' you better. Life coaching has evolved considerably and will continue to do so and in 6 years, we'll write another article updating you on how things have, yet again, changed.
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