The New Year is fast approaching full of good intentions and resolutions.
I just come across this article by Royale Scuderi thought I would take the time to share it will you...
Thankyou Royale :
Good Intentions are meaningless without action to back them up. That's not to say that good intentions themselves aren't valuable. Certainly in an ethical and altruistic manner, intentions may be of utmost value. But when you're "in the trenches," so to speak, trying to accomplish something at work or at home, intentions mean zip.
I started to mentally retrace my days to see how this concept might apply to me and most likely others as well. I always have many commendable intentions and most of the time, pretty good follow-through, but not always.
I too intended to get up early (5:30AM) to read, journal and exercise - not happening, rolled over until 7. Ooops! I dressed in my sweats anyway, intending to exercise on my lunch hour - uh nope - got a phone call and a meeting was moved up to 12:30, so the reality was a rushed shower and off I went. My intention was to finish up my "day job" by 1PM and work on writing some blog posts and do a bit of marketing before the kids get home from school. No such luck - my meeting ran long, then I had to take a detour to the school to drop off the marimba we borrowed over spring break and I did not get home until school was out. Then it was homework, dinner and grocery shopping. I absolutely intended to catch up on my work and take a walk to at least get some exercise when the errands were all done, but then my older daughter called from college and my younger daughter wanted to talk about "boy problems." So, all in all, I don't think I actually did anything I intended to do. Well, except for intending to stay away from sugar and eat healthy snacks... uh, not so much, but that butter cake was delicious!
I'm sure, if you're like me, you have ambitious intentions, but do you have a plan and take the necessary action to carry them out?
Royale Scuderi is a personal productivity expert and author. She blogs about productivity tips, tools and strategies at Her mission is to Help you to work smarter and live better! You too can have business success and life satisfaction through increased efficiency, organization, motivation and awareness. Visit to sign up to receive free productivity tips via email. Copyright 2010 Royale Scuderi All Rights Reserved
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We can forget our Divine Purpose in the midst of the changes and challenges life presents, but we still have a divine role to play in the theatre of life. 'The Creator has given you great potential what are you doing with yours?' this is a question I often ask myself and my clients. Life Coaching
ReplyDeleteI don't think it to be meaningless, there are certain things in life that are hard enough to do, but I think with courage and devotion everything can be achieved, only thing required is positivity.