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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Creating a Purposeful Mindset

By: PaTrisha-Anne_Todd

What exactly is a mindset, let alone a purposeful one?

Over the years I've discovered that one's way of thinking is not sufficient to make and sustain productive changes. Thinking alone doesn't make change and that mindset is a frame of mind, a characteristic of a person completely dependent in terms of results on whether or not the person applies themselves to diligently carrying out daily actions to achieve the desired results.

It's paramount to have a purpose in mind, for without a purpose there'd be nothing to celebrate and be joyful about. A purpose lends itself to creating more of whatever you want by default.

A purposeful mindset is achieved by dedicated focus and consistent effort. This process works for both wanted and un-wanted results. That is why it's important to have an optimistic and resolute mindset.

Let's say that it is your desire to become wealthy with great success in your business. To achieve this you'll need to THINK like a successful wealthy business owner and take the action to have your own success.

Be Do Have

Once you have conditioned your mind to focus on your specific goal that's when you'll begin to experience the flow of abundance and prosperity in your life!

Know what your Mindset is thinking about

It's so easy to master your mind and let abundance be part of your everyday lifestyle and a whole lot more fun.

Decide to be purposeful not reckless, or time tardy with no definite of purpose in your daily routine. If you follow a path of uncontrolled behaviour then your subconscious will do what it does best and give you what it believes you have asked for - totally the opposite of what you truly desire. Without realising it you could be pushing away your wealth and business success through unconscious self sabotage, so make an effort and pull your thoughts around to purposeful thinking followed up with definite action. You'll be amazed at how your life will change and as if by magic you'll achieve your goals one by one.

Get Ready For Personal Success

Don't forget to make room in your life for your personal success. You're not alone in this one as the Universe cannot abide an empty space when it could be filled with wonderful and prosperous abundance. So get rid of the clutter in your life, do it with total authority, vigour and vim, in other words decide to become purposeful and direct your energies to sorting space for more productive and prosperous new essentials in your life.

Maintaining A Purposeful Mindset

The trick is to constantly see your desired goals. Visualise what it is you desire, don't be shy only you can see your dreams and only you are the master of your destiny.

Visualisation will accelerate the experience your thinking about. Within your minds eye you'll live out your dreams and be able to fine tune your daily actions towards goal achievement. Whatever your realistic lifestyle currently is you'll be in the best possible position to transform your lifestyle by knowing what needs to be changed and you'll have first hand knowledge on what actions to take to make your dreams a reality.

PaTrisha-Anne Todd, LCSi

Author. Cosmic Soul Coach Mentor, Consultant to entrepreneurs and show business celebrities.

LCSi-Coaching Leads To Success.

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